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Special Olympics Bayern, Bayerischer Landesverband SOBY

Special Olympics (SO) is one of the worldwide biggest sportive movements, acknowledged from the IOC (International Olympic Committee) for mentally and multiple disabled people.

The goal is to enable mentally disabled children and adults to participate in the daily social life via sports – or simply: Right in the middle, not only nearby – live INCLUSION!

The mission is to meet every single need of all individuals with the appropriate assumptions and offerings in a holistic concept with accompanying programs. Special Olympics Bayern SOBY has 200 individuals, Sport Clubs and institutions of the „Behindertenhilfe“ (schools, workshops, residential accommodations) as members. 9.000 athletes use these offerings for more quality of life. They can participate in more than 26 sports with regular trainings in various disciplines (single or team sport, depending on individual skills). Besides local competitions there are also the „Special Olympics Bayern Landesspiele“, the health program „Healthy Athletes“, Education Tutorials, Test Trainings , Action days a.o.m.

The athlete`s oath is:

Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

Special Olympics is best practice for how to live INCLUSION.

Link: www.specialolympics-bayern.de